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Showing posts from June, 2013

Adding On: Week 24

I've been meaning to start this blog weeks ago to document the growing life inside of me, amongst other changes going on in our lives.  For those that haven't heard, we're having a little baby girl and we're ecstatic!  I still have 16 weeks to go, but I cannot wait to hold that little girl in my arms. You'll probably hear a lot about her, plus a few other things we have going on.  I might throw in a few recipes here and there, as well.  Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy! Progress: 8 weeks vs 24 weeks How far along: 24 Weeks Total weight gain/loss:  16 lbs Maternity clothes:  Some maternity, some regular clothes, but those are becoming few and far in between. Stretch marks:  None, so far Sleep:  Sleep is okay.  I typically wake up about 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom. Best moment this week:  Spending Sunday trying a new restaurant and checking out local shops with Michael.   Miss anything:  Being able to get out of my car with ease.